Health and Safety Policy and Procedure
Fencing NZ Ltd is committed to the protection of its employees, clients and property from accidental injury or damage from work carried out for and behalf of the company and adopts health, safety and welfare as a fundamental business objective.
In meeting this commitment, management will comply with all legislative requirements and take all practicable steps to ensure they……
- Establish and insist that safe work methods are practiced at all times.
- Provide supervision and training.
- Provide protective foot-ware, hearing , and eye protection
- Ensure employees and other persons understand and accept their responsibility to promote a safe and healthy place of work including the use of safe guards and personal protective equipment
- All hazards relating to work in hand to be identified and practical steps taken to eliminate, isolate or minimise.
Were matters of concern arise, meetings take place to discuss these matters and to implement the decisions reached.
All members of staff and employees are involved in bringing forward any Health and Safety matters of concern.
- Report all hazards promptly
- Report all accidents and near misses promptly
- Keep all walkways clear at all times
- Ensure all machine guards are in place
- Use a push stick to feed machinery
- Keep well clear of all moving drives, belts and parts of machinery
- Stack materials safely
- Keep a look-out for moving cranes, crane hooks and plant
- Wear your safety equipment
- Know where the fire extinguishers are located and how to use them
- Keep rubbish cleared away promptly
- Don’t work, in the dark…….. arrange lighting
- Check electrical leads for damage before use
- Keep all electrical leads clear of water and off the ground
- Take care when using or handling hazardous materials
- Watch where you are walking
- Take care of your personal hygiene
- Always use an isolating transformer or earth leakage breaker when using any electrical tool or appliance
- No horseplay or silly antics….. the fun can turn sour very quickly’
- Get into the habit of ‘thinking safely’…… It can only be of benefit to all!
- Observe NO SMOKING signs
- No Radios on site including Walkmans, lpods etc.
Fencing NZ Ltd has a policy in place to ensure that where we engage Contractors, Sub-Contractors,_or other personnel to assist or carry out work at our premises or elsewhere on our behalf they are required to be aware of and to implement our Health and Safety Policy .
Management will regularly inspect the work area to ensure the safety of employees while at work.
In the warehouse under the counter In the cafeteria
In the upstairs bathroom In installer’s vehicles
The main entrance to the building
The cafeteria
The warehouse
It is the policy of Fencing NZ Ltd to provide adequate training to employees in the safe use and operation of all items of plant, equipment and substances used. Protective Clothing and Safety Equipment is readily available for all areas of or operation Consumable safety supplies are held in the office store room and available through office staff All records of accidents/incidents and Accident Compensation Claims are kept by our office staff at 10 Turin Pl East Tamaki
Our policy for Health and Safety embraces the spirit and intention of the Act that every practicable step be taken to ensure that no action of any employee while at work harms any other person
To this end if there is a possibility of serious harm to any person the work, operation, process or mechanical plant will cease operations until the matter is resolved .
Where inaction may cause a possibility of serious harm to any person, immediate action be taken to stop the threat of serious harm.
The Act recognises the importance of the employee and places a statutory obligation of the employee to ensure their own safety while at work, this means that they must take practicable steps to carry out their work practices in a safe manner. In addition, they must not harm others, workmates or the public, either by what they do or by not carrying out necessary safe work practices.
Staff, Contractors and Contracts personnel shall submit themselve . to any drug or alcohol screening in accordance with company policies and procedures whilst working c n sites. Such screening may be conducted randomly , on suspicion, following an incident or systematically.
- Ensure that all accident/incidents are reported to the Manager.
- If on site report all accidents/incidents to Site Forman or Site Safety Officer.
- In the case of injury, make sure the employee is properly cared for before doing anything else.
- Following an accident, do not interfere with the scene.
- Interview witnesses and reassure that the real purpose of the investigation is to find the true cause
- Show understanding
- Keep an open mind
- Avoid leading questions
- Check your understanding with witness after interview
- Discuss ways of preventing recurrence
Record all accidents in the Accident Register held at Wire Works { NZ office, complete the appropriate forms
Notification to Occupational Health and Safety Service (Dept. of Labour). Where any serious harm occurs, notification is required within 7 days
Preventative Action:
regular inspections
layout and design
DIAL 111
- Tell the Operator which service you require
- Wait until the service answers
- Give them details on the:
Type of Emergency (accident, fire, explosion)
Address of the building site and area of emergency
Advise them that someone will wait out on the road - Make sure someone waits and gives correct direction
- Notify management, name and telephone
- Politely refuse access of information to news media and/or the public.
The purpose of this procedure is to provide controlled procedures to deal with any emergency that may arise while employees are at work.
To have an effective general emergency plan to cope with all types of emergencies likely to occur at any part of our organisation’s operation, and to comply with legislative requirements.
When confronted with an emergency, it is too late to decide who needs to do what, what assistance is available and what emergency responses are desirable.
Our procedure is that the manager will identify all likely emergency conditions and involve all employees in the process and will appoint a co-ordinator to take control in an emergency
Establish what action needs to be taken in specific cases.
Establish alarm signals
Identify what means of communication will be used in an emergency, e.g. cellphone, radio control.
Decide which emergency services need notifying, how and by whom.
Decide where to post emergency procedure directions, e.g. phone locations, notice boards. Ensure they are understood by all employees.
Develop procedures to account for all personnel onsite (including visitors) Develop shut-down procedures for processes, machinery, etc.
Identify and provide emergency plan training for all staff Survey the need for emergency plan training for all staff.
Survey the need for emergency equipment to suit the conditions, e.g. fire extinguisher , ropes, etc. Identify first aid training requirements.
Design all clear and re-entry procedures.
Review the procedures, at least annually involving employees.
Identify the hazard.
Having identified any hazards it must be established where they are significant.
If significant hazards are identifies, then these hazards are to be managed in a precise order.
The order is:
Elimination if practicable
Isolation where elimination is impracticable ,
Minimisation of risk arid protection of employees where elimination and isolation are impracticable
a) Elimination – This is the first option but it does not indicate that the hazard is to be removed in total but reduced to a non-significant level.
b) Isolation- This is the second option and involves a barrier between operator and source the hazard
c) Minimisation – This involves training personnel in the nature of the hazard and how to prevent causing harm and what protective equipment is to be used.
Working on Construction Sites
On arrival at a Construction Site and before any work can commence IDENTIFY ANY HAZARDS and report to Site Superviser and/or Manager if you see anything that may cause harm or you consider dangerous.
- Locate any notice board and Site Safety Policies and Requirements set out by the main contractor
- Participate in any site inductions before work starts
- Obey all of the rules set out by the Site Safety Officer if there is one
- Open , fence post holes and excavations
- Moving machinery
- Slippery conditions
- Underground services
- Sharp objects
- Ensure all fence post holes are covered if left unattended Trenches/excavations roped off or warning signs erected
- Use post hole borers according to the manufacturers specificatioo1s Wear safety gear when operating any machinery or plant Be aware of any other machinery operating on the site belonging to other contractors
- Wear safety boots and wet weather gear provided
- Locate underground cables, water, gas and telephone/data lines These services provided free of charge – call 0800b4udig for cable location Use site plans to locate services
- Where cloves when handling razor wire or other sharp objects and use plastic caps on any stakes left in the ground
Strained line wire, if left unattended, must be flagged
- Extreme care must be taken when handling these materials
- Hard hats will be worn at all times when working on ladders or platfo rms, under razor wire concertina, in order to prevent accidental head contact
- Leather gloves will be worn at all times when working with barbed tape
Ladders used wrongly or in bad condition have caused many serious falls and injuries
Before using any ladder check for …
- Defective rungs
- Warped, cracking or splintering of stiles
- Faulty feet
When using a ladder always remember to…
- Stand the ladder on a level base
- Set the ladder at the correct angle
Secure the ladder by lashing at the top and bottom, or have someone holding the bottom securely - Ensure the ladder is long enough to do the job
- Always face the ladder and use both hands when climbing up or coming down
- Don’t use a metal ladder near electricity
- Always wear shoes with heels when climbing a ladder
- Never over reach sideways – get down and move the ladder
A ladder should project at least one metre above any landing place.
The correct angle for a ladder is one unit of measurement out at the base for every four units of height
Safety harnesses MUST be worn when working at height of 3m or more
- Check all leads, plugs and tools before use, and report any damage or problems
- Do not use damaged or defective equipment
- Protect leads when in use
- Check all electrical gear is under cover during wet weather
- Always use an isolating transformer or earth leakage breaker
- Operator must have the approved protective gear
- Screens should be erected to shield people, equipment, stock or vehicles
- A fire extinguisher must be nearby, and the area clean
- Cylinders must be upright and secured
This equipment should only be used by experienced personnel Report gas leakages immediately
Even though we use very small amounts:
Read the manufacturer’s instructions
Mix paint and thinners carefully and on level surfaces
Keep paint and thinners in a safe place
Keep away from naked flames
Do not smoke
Getting to the various job sites will invariably involve travelling/driving in a company vehicle. It is important that they are driven sensibly and courteously and within the Road Code at all times
Anyone driving a company vehicle must have a current drivers licence and drive within any licence conditions
- Other vehicles on the road being driven irresponsibly
- Wet weather, slippery roads , loss of control
- Pedestrians and cyclists
- Faulty vehicle
- Overloaded vehicle
- Other Vehicles:
Drive defensively, e. anticipate accidents before they happen ar:J take remedial action
Concentrate on your driving at all times
Before making a manoeuvre indicate your intentions clearly
Know and follow the Road Code
Don’t be provoked by inconsiderate drivers - Wet Weather:
Slow down
Keep your distance from the vehicle in front
In foggy or murky conditions ensure that the headlights are on - Pedestrian & Cyclists:
Slow down around schools and kindergartens especially during school hours
Give cyclists at least 1.0m distance when passing - Reporting:
If there is something wrong with the vehicle inform your supervisor as soon as possible
Visually check WOF, COF, Road User License and Vehicle Registrations to make sure they are up to date
Advise your supervisor of all panel damage and minor repairs (broken lights, etc)
Complete accident form where necessary
Loading plant and materials on and off trucks is an everyday activity that the majority of our work force is involved in. Damage to trucks, loaded plant and breakable materials can be minimised by using good loading techniques.
- Overloading
- Restrictive areas
- Damage to the vehicle
- Physical injury
- Overhead services
- Overloading:
The total of all weight on the vehicle plus the load is indicated on the road user certificate in the front of the truck. This weight is NOT to be exceeded
Ensure loads are not over width or too long - Restrictive areas:
Allow adequate space when parking for loading and unloading purposes, especially plant with the need for ramps, etc. - Damage to Vehicle:
Use correct ramps and lifting gear
Ensure any moving parts are stationary before moving onto the vehicle
Secure all loads - Lifting Techniques:
Avoid putting strain on your back. Bend your knees – keep your back strai
If the load is too heavy, do not struggle with it – get somebody else - Overhead Services:
Check for overhead wires especially telephone lines which are usually lower than power lines.
- Be aware of the load you are carrying and drive sensibly according to the load and road conditions
- Ensure load is tied down with approved tie-downs and strops
- Check tie-downs for any damage that may cause weakness and breakage – replace if necessary
Do not operate any plant if you have not been trained to do so
All plant, machinery and mobile plant will be fitted with, and in working order, the guards and safety gear supplied by the maker of the equipment.
Plant, machinery and mobile plant will be inspected regularly to ensure it meets the above requirements . No plant machinery or mobile plant is to be used in an unsafe condition
Where new equipment is acquired, familiarisation courses will be run for operators
Regular maintenance of all plant, machinery and mobile plant shall take place in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification .
Records of this are kept and verified by the manager at regular intervals
Much of the sickness incurred can be avoided by keeping tidy and clean, maintaining normal hygiene standards such as washing hands before. and after toilet use, and before eating.
Keep body and clothing clean – quite serious infections can enter a minor scratch Keep lunch room and ‘wash up’ facilities clean
On some sites there may be a ban on smoking. Please observe any NO SM OKING signs.
These are strictly forbidden. Any person who reports for work or is seen on the site under the influence of alcohol or drugs is considered a menace to himself, his workmates and everyone else, and will therefore be asked to leave the site. It isn’t a clever thing to try and cover up for a mate if they’ve been drinking … for their sake, your sake and everybody else’s sake advise your foreman before someone gets hurt!
Inform the foreman if you are on prescription medication
You will not be allowed on site if under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Radios are not allowed on sites. This includes Walkmans, Ipods etc. For safety reasons your attention must remain on the job in hand
Dogs are definitely NOT allowed on any work sites at all times. Under no circumstances will there be any exceptions
All rubbish must be placed in the areas designated. Check out the site procedures for disposing of rubbish.
Children under the age of 16 years are not permitted on any site for any reason